THIS DOES NOT FIT YOUR 1994 Toyota Corolla


Part Number: 9008087026
Supersession(s): 8591512020; 90080-87026; 9008087010; 9098702020; 9098702027; 90987T2001

A relay for the window defroster. A/C Clutch Relay. A/C Condenser Fan Motor Relay. Accessory Delay Relay. Accessory Safety Relay. Anti-Theft Relay. Engine Cooling Fan Motor Relay. Exc.Japan Built. Fog Light Relay. From 04/2003. From 05/04. From 11/2006. From 12/2002. Fuel Pump Relay. Headlight Relay. Heated Seat Relay. Horn Relay. HVAC Blower Motor Relay. Ignition Switch Relay. Japan Built. Oxygen Sensor Heater Relay. Part includeded with regulator module. Part serviced in instrument panel junction block. Powertrain Control Module Relay. Relay for accessory power. Starter Relay. To 04/2000. To 04/2003. To 05/04. Windshield Wiper Motor Relay. Included with: Fuse & relay box, Junction block, Main fuse box, Main relay block, Relay box.

ABS Modulator RelayHVAC Blower Motor RelayWindow Defroster RelayHorn RelayEngine Cooling Fan Motor RelayAccessory Delay RelayA/C Clutch RelayA/C Condenser Fan Motor RelayOxygen Sensor Heater RelayHeated Seat RelayWindshield Wiper Motor RelayAccessory Power RelayAccessory Safety RelayAnti-Theft RelayFog Light RelayFuel Pump RelayHeadlight RelayPowertrain Control Module RelayStarter RelayIgnition Switch Relay

Part included with junction block. Part included with main fuse box. Part included with relay box.

2 people have looked at this part recently
Diagram ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS. for your 1994 Toyota Corolla
Required: 1
Engine room. 10 amp. 15 amp. 20 amp. 25 amp. 30 amp. 7. 5 amp. Back up lamp. Denso. Headlamp. Lower. Main. Multi use. Neutral start. Oil pressure. Starter. TRANS control. Transmission. Upper. W/O shiftmatic. W/SHIFTMATIC only. Yazaki.
ENGINE ROOM. multi use. Relay.
Diagram ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS. for your 1994 Toyota Corolla
Required: 1
10 amp. 15 amp. 20 amp. 25 amp. 30 amp. 7. 5 amp. Back up lamp. Defog & pwr window. Hybrid control. Ign & tail lamp. Lower. Medium. MINI. Multi network body. Network gateway. P/S. Stop lamp. Under instrument panel. Upper. W/CRUISE control. W/O cruise control.
back up lamp. PartQualifier: back up lamp. Relay. UNDER INSTRUMENT PANEL.
Diagram ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS. for your 1994 Toyota Corolla
Required: 1
10 amp. 15 amp. 20 amp. 25 amp. 30 amp. 7. 5 amp. Back up lamp. Defog & pwr window. Hybrid control. Ign & tail lamp. Lower. Medium. MINI. Multi network body. Network gateway. P/S. Stop lamp. Under instrument panel. Upper. W/CRUISE control. W/O cruise control.
defog & pwr window. PartQualifier: defog & pwr window. Relay. UNDER INSTRUMENT PANEL.
Diagram ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS. for your 1994 Toyota Corolla
Required: 1
10 amp. 15 amp. 20 amp. 25 amp. 30 amp. 7. 5 amp. Back up lamp. Defog & pwr window. Hybrid control. Ign & tail lamp. Lower. Medium. MINI. Multi network body. Network gateway. P/S. Stop lamp. Under instrument panel. Upper. W/CRUISE control. W/O cruise control.
ign & tail lamp. PartQualifier: ign & tail lamp. Relay. UNDER INSTRUMENT PANEL.
Diagram ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS. for your 1994 Toyota Corolla
Required: 1
Instrument panel. Acc. Base. Fog lamp. Ignition. Lamp leveling. Limited. Power source cntrl. Tail lamp.
fog lamp. INSTRUMENT PANEL. Relay. tail lamp.
Diagram FUSE & RELAY. for your 1994 Toyota Corolla
#3. Box #1. Box #2. Compressor clutch. Cooling fan. Engine compartment. Fuel pump. Fusible link. Ignition. Inverter. rear AC. Rear defroster. Starter. W/BASE. W/LIMITED. W/O BASE. W/O Limited. Wiper deicer.
ENGINE COMPARTMENT. ignition. inverter. starter. w/Limited.
Diagram ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS. for your 1994 Toyota Corolla
Fog lamp. Ignition. Instrument panel. Lamp leveling. Power source cntrl. Tail lamp. W/ANTI-THEFT. W/LIMITED. W/O anti-theft. W/O Limited.
fog lamp. INSTRUMENT PANEL. tail lamp.
Diagram ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS. for your 1994 Toyota Corolla
Required: 1
10 amp. 15 amp. 20 amp. 25 amp. 30 amp. 7. 5 amp. Clutch. Daytime lamps. Defog. Fog lamp. Heater. Ignition. Inside cabin. Parking brake. Shift lock. Stop lamp. T SGNL/FLSHR. Tail lamp. W/O switchmatic. W/SWITCHMATIC.
27514. fog lamp. INSIDE CABIN. PartQualifier: daytime lamps. PartQualifier: fog lamp. PartQualifier: heater. PartQualifier: tail lamp. Relay. tail lamp.
Diagram ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS. for your 1994 Toyota Corolla
Required: 1
10 amp. 15 amp. 20 amp. 25 amp. 30 amp. 7. 5 amp. Clutch. Daytime lamps. Defog. Fog lamp. Heater. Ignition. Inside cabin. Parking brake. Shift lock. Stop lamp. T SGNL/FLSHR. Tail lamp. W/O switchmatic. W/SWITCHMATIC.
defog. INSIDE CABIN. PartQualifier: defog. Relay.
Diagram ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS. for your 1994 Toyota Corolla
Required: 1
Passenger compartment. 100A. 10A. 15A. 20A. 25A. 30A. 40A. 50A. Blower motor. Defogger. Denso. FLASHER/TURN signal. Hatch junction. Ignition. Intergration. Inverter. Main. Power outlet. Running light. Siemens. Starter. Tail lamp. W/CRUISE cntrl. W/KEYLESS entry. W/O cruise cntrl.
Denso. ignition. inverter. main. PartQualifier: hatch junction. PartQualifier: ignition. PartQualifier: inverter. PartQualifier: main. PartQualifier: power outlet. PartQualifier: tail lamp. PASSENGER COMPARTMENT. Relay. Siemens.

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